Tuesday 6 December 2016


Getting new glasses soon! Can't wait to see if my vision with them will seem different, and getting used to them will be a whole different story.

Eyes hurt and as usual, tired. Wednesday is not going to be my favorite day this week. Going for a full day of school on Wednesdays now. Ugh.

Monday 5 December 2016

Forgetting the Blog

Holy crap, I keep forgetting about this blog... Sorry 'bout that...
Life, school, health, headaches, tiredness...

But any ways, for some reason I don't really care about Christmas this year... I don't know if it has to do with my mental health or my meds or depression or what. I'm just not excited about Christmas this year...

Is there such a thing as too much happiness? Or that it gets so overwhelming the excitement of something just gets sucked out of you?